Ok I have uninstalled and reinstalled, Checked for viruses and even done some other things with options. For some reason Object dock keeps crashing. When I use the fly out menus, anyone can give me some advise I would appreciate it. I never had a problem with ObjectDock untill I installed "Plus". I know thier has to be a way to fix it.

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on Jul 27, 2004
Ok great. Everything is running smoooth. I discovered the problem and now I have it running stable even when I use multiple doocks that all have flyout menu's. I cant even make it crash on purpose.

Thanx for the ini advise.
on Jul 27, 2004
What was causing the problem?
on Jul 27, 2004
I've found that a fly-out menu I have always crashes the machine on one certain .ico that's in my pictures folder...If you look closely it'll say where it's at..(at least for me) My symptoms are it totally freezes except for the cursor will move fine.
on Jul 27, 2004
I had a very large folder with many pictures inside, and for some reason once I reduced the size of the folder it seems to be running fine. Has'nt crashed once since.

Oh, and those two viruses I found might have been the problem also!
[Message Edited]
on Jul 28, 2004
We'll, being such a supporter of Object Dock, Plus has some issues I'm really not happy with that bother me a good bit.

Allllllll of it has to do with these new tabs. In my desktop picture you might notice something...the tab dock is expanding. Why isn't this possible? Of course firstly I'm not against the tabs, but what bothers me is the tabbed docks do not expand. I look at the description of Object Dock and what it has always been like, "ObjectDock is a program that allows you to have a nice animated launchbar/taskbar on your screen that reacts to your mouse when you mouse over it."

Well these tabbed docks do nothing to react to your mouse short of displaying the name, no expanding, no magnifying of the icons, no real room to expand like the original. This so seems to hurt the purpose of it to me, yes the tab's are really nice hiding out of the way until you mouse over, but when it shows the icons in that tab they don't enlarge when you hover over them. This makes them kind of hard to see naturally, though if you make the icons always big you can see them easy, except.....now you've got giant icons in your face everytime you expand, and then you run out of room and cant even see them all at once since it doesn't expand to the amount you have like the normal one. Instead it's replaced by a + sign? So now I have to cycle through and through to get to something I need at times.

2nd is the inability to have the tab dock show running tasks like the normal dock, or even better, a tab just for "running tasks." So basically what I end up with from these tabs that should heavily increase orginization, and make things less cluttered I get to have 2 docks. A tabbed dock for launching programs, and a normal dock for currently running programs. Then to keep things from getting more cluttered, and in my way over other buttons or switches from other programs, one HAS to be hidden.

Well the fun doesn't stop there, now instead of Kk menu being "integrated", not to mention more friendly to use(this might just be my personal feelings), we get flyout menus. These rediculously neat thingys that often get hard to navigate, or because you stray 1 pixel too far, close up and retreat back to the tab. Then you might think, "oh, well these icons in the flyout look ugly, lets change them".......oh wait, these aren't dependant on Object Dock, but actual icon files. Now that wouldn't be a problem if I just change the icons, but oh yeah, only "some" can normally be changed, so I'd have to get ANOTHER 3rd party program for that........more programs purchased, more resources consumed, more performance suffers, more headaches endured.

So in short, keep the tabbed docks, make them work like the other docks (current running program tab? adjusts to amount of items in dock?), don't make me HAVE to have more than 1 dock if I want to use tabs, make flyouts not cause peoples eyes to bug out, AND WHERE'S MY INTEGRATED KK MENU!!

Other than that, weeeeee love the features, I just want 1 dock, with tabs, that expands accordingly, magnify's icons, and shows currently running apps without a seperate dock.

[Message Edited]
on Jul 28, 2004
^ Sounds pretty good too me. I think I agree with everything you've said.

Oh yeah, I just remembered: I'd like to have the option to have my dock expand to the width of the screen, and reserve its screen space. Just the background is the width, the icons stay centered or wherever you have them. The dock would reserve its screen space, so that if you had it at the bottom of your screen it would span the entire width of your screen, and it would reserve space for whatever the height of the dock was. Make sense?
[Message Edited]
on Jul 28, 2004
I must agree with Horizon, The tabs dont really work to well. The one thing that I think would help it out most would be to make the tabs react to your mouse over. What I am saying is that if you have a dock with 2 tabs. Then when you mouse over the first tab, only it should slide out, and then if you mouse over the second one, then only it should slide out. Not the whole mess.

Unfortunatly, you have to mouse over the dock and wait for it to open, then you have to click on the proper tab. I just feel that this design feels "Stiff" and not like tabs should work at all.

However, There are some nice features that I do like. Flyouts seem to work great to me. But, overall, I find it more frustating and awkward then the original ObjectDock.

I wonder! Since I have purchased WindowBlinds, IconPackenger, Cursor XP, ObjectDock Plus and one or two others all seperately I have paid quite a bit of maoney to this site. Do you think Jafo and gang could please send me a T-Shirt or something. Or maybe raise my level one point.

on Jul 28, 2004
If you've bought something, your a level 4 user. Only thing higher than that is Admin.

As for User Ranks, I'm not sure how that works.
on Jul 28, 2004
While the proggie is still in Beta...you should post feature requests in the ObjectDock newsgroup....the more they keep hearing a particular feature the masses want....the more likely, if it's possible, that it will be looked into. Brad and the crew are top-notch at reacting to what we want, when they can
on Jul 28, 2004
Ive purchased plenty. I only show level 3.
Should I be level 4?
on Jul 28, 2004
level 4 comes with purchasing a WC subscription
on Jul 28, 2004
^ Doh! I shoulda remembered that...
on Jul 28, 2004
Look every one. ObjectDock Plus Beta 3 has been released.
on Jul 28, 2004
w00t! I dont even own the product yet...but its still cool to read how awesome its gonna be when I do get it.

5 days til my birthday!
on Jul 28, 2004
early Happys to you if I don't see you then

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