Published on April 2, 2006 By Csurfside In Galactic Civilizations II

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 02, 2006
I'm using a NASA mainframe and the game runs fine.
Seriously though, try lowering the 'anit-aliasing' or turning it off. This may help with your glitches/stuttering.
on Apr 02, 2006
Also, are you running multiple apps at once?
Turn bit torrent off.
Dont watch a movie and play at the same time...
I have what is considered top of the line, I oc and I can still play the game just fine.

I have been working in tech support for a long time and the amount of people who dont know how to use a computer is just staggering.
This type of posts are just par for the course, computers are like pet monsters... you treat them well and know how, they will work great.
No idea, be prepared for pain.

Like so many have posted, please post the debug file.
There are many here with more knowledge that is willing to help out so your not left in the dust like so many other games that I can mention.
on Apr 02, 2006
Game runs flawlessly for me and most others I'll wager. It's the puter and it's user that create the diversity of gameing results as do many other programs to one degree or another. My machine and I are old friends and she still suprises me with an unexpected glitch every now and then.
on Apr 02, 2006
On the contrary, AEG is one company that does use guerilla marketing on online boards to affect people's perceptions of products.

I was being sarcastic....
on Apr 16, 2006
Geez guys......

Some of the comments posted here make me still laugh at the humor of it..

However, the truth is that stardock is awsome..I know this and support them! 100% trust me..
I was just venting my frustration towards the fact that it's the little things to me in a game that count.

The flag ship....The star trek looking one...Yes that one...Look at it in the viewer from all angles ...Its plain as day..THE ARMS THAT STICK OUT FROM THE SIDE OF THE HULL ARE NOT SYMMETRICAL! excuse my yelling....

The game is great! I just was dissappointed by to many little flaws....BETA....whatever I geez....You guys are something else...can i run the pc lol......
on Apr 16, 2006
"I understand that this is a beta patch and that it may be full of bugs and errors that I would not otherwise encounter. I promise not to complain and whine since I am installing this patch of my own free will and have been warned of potential errors."

It did'nt help
on Apr 16, 2006
Also, are you running multiple apps at once?
Turn bit torrent off.
Dont watch a movie and play at the same time...
I have what is considered top of the line, I oc and I can still play the game just fine.

I have been working in tech support for a long time and the amount of people who dont know how to use a computer is just staggering.
This type of posts are just par for the course, computers are like pet monsters... you treat them well and know how, they will work great.
No idea, be prepared for pain.

Like so many have posted, please post the debug file.
There are many here with more knowledge that is willing to help out so your not left in the dust like so many other games that I can mention.

lol....Im am a guys treat every comment posted in forums has if the user has no clue...its amazing...This thread has turned out to be my highlight for today......
on Apr 16, 2006
I have been working in tech support for a long time

There is a big difference in that and a real hands on tech.....Just wanted to add that..

All else aside....Thank you for trying.
on Apr 16, 2006
I too have noticed that the audio stutters in a way that it didnt previously do.
My impression is that too many audio channels are being used at once - are they being released when they are not being used anymore?
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