Published on August 13, 2004 By Csurfside In WinCustomize Talk
Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 16, 2004
Lite step used to be easy. I installed it, then downloaded a theme. Then clicked on the theme, and it installed.

Jafo, I cant find a version of lite step to download.
Im going nuts here!
on Aug 16, 2004

Once you have an 'installed' LS shell....via the typical 'Installer' all you need to do id download the updated core files and copy them over [into] the existing Litestep directory.....though to do that, first you must exit Litestep as your shell....either by rebooting to Explorer...or by killing the litestep.exe pcocess in task manager...and copying them over and restarting the litestep.exe process....[I often do it the latter way]....just have your file manager open while  you do it so you can copy/move files [naturally]...


I'll post a link to the RC3 June 2004 for you....

on Aug 16, 2004  

a must-go-to place for LSUsers....,module  

That 'should' be the link to RC3....

on Aug 16, 2004

I downloaded a version of lite step and it works good so far.
I also got your Fetchi theme stable.
Question, to change the short cuts, can I just go thru the evars. Or is there a better way. I saw the edit evars when I loaded the theme but now I cant find its file.

Am I on the right track.

Sry to bug you so much, I know you have better things to do probally. I just really want this theme bad... Im serious. I hav'nt wanted a theme to work so bad in the 4 years ive been hunting!
on Aug 16, 2004
Should I Uninstall my version of lite step and install the 3.0.2 version in your link?
on Aug 16, 2004
And what is the RC3?
on Aug 16, 2004
Oh I get it The first link is for me to read and learn and the second is the link for the latest greatest build of lite step. Is this right!
on Aug 16, 2004
Ok, Im going to try and calm down and read a little bit at that link and then eat breakfast. Then I will post a question if I cant find the answer. Im just so excited. I just expect you to spell it out for me. I understand it will take a little bit of work on my end. Ill be back!
on Aug 16, 2004

You don't 'uninstall' just extract and copy the RC3 files into the Litestep directory and overwrite the older ones.....'RC3' stands for 'Release Candidate 3''s a beta....but then Litestep has always been a beta at one level or another....ever since I can remember.

Whenever 'playing' with shells....ALWAYS have an 'out'....a way that is tried and true to get you 'back' to Explorer as the you don't get lost in limbo....and swearing profusely at life at large....

I did think though...back in the b23 days that we'd at least go up by full points....b24...b25...etc...each time.....not be still at b26.7......six years later....

on Aug 16, 2004

That was easy, I see the evars is where to change my short cuts.
And I see that I can change the screen size three different ways from what I see you posted above.

It's working good now. Thanks a million Jafo.

I should be able to figure the rest out from here. And in the future I will try not to type so spastic. I just lost my cool on this one. I just had to have it right.
on Aug 16, 2004
Take your time to get used to 'messing' with one or 2 themes....eventually loading new ones will become second-nature....and LS will be 'fun'...
on Aug 16, 2004
Hey man, Im already there. Ever since I started using lite step I put a short cut to "set explorer as shell" In my object dock. Boy has that been saving my rear-end more than a few times.

but, thanx for the advise'

I look forward to more of your work.
Im one of your biggest fans.

Great designs, and good customer service, what more could I ask for.
on Aug 16, 2004

To be themes are 'quirky' at best.

There are better themers out there ...

Main thing is to get the 'hang of it' and make your own.....that's what LiteSTEP [alternate shells] is all about....

on Aug 16, 2004

Dont kill me.

Ok it crashed. So I tried downloading the RC3. I dont know what to do with it. Can you please tell me as simply as possible what to do please. I have the file unzipped. I click on the application and it says there is know step.rc file in this directory.
on Aug 16, 2004
I am in the explorer shell. I think I need to put these files somewhere in my already exsisting lite step directory. I think it is 3.0.2 But the wallpaper for the default theme says 24.7

so I will go jump off a cliff now.
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